Sleep Loss Increases Your Chance of Infection
Here’s more evidence that getting fewer than six hours of sleep is a bad idea, even if you’ve convinced yourself you’re fine.
Here’s more evidence that getting fewer than six hours of sleep is a bad idea, even if you’ve convinced yourself you’re fine.
The importance of getting enough good quality sleep can be the key to better grades and health, now and long after college graduation. Here's what you should know.
Sleep problems can increase your chance of developing dementia. Lack of sleep can also raise your chance of dying within five years. Here's what you should know.
People with insomnia who have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep are more likely to have a stroke than people who sleep soundly. Here's what you should know.
Sleep apnea is associated with snoring. It has less obvious but important symptoms, too. Left untreated, sleep apnea can have serious health consequences.
Some sleep deprivation symptoms, like daytime drowsiness, are obvious. Others are surprising and can mean skimping on sleep is putting your health at risk.
If you’re at risk for heart trouble, be sure to make good sleep a priority. Good — and bad, or lack of — sleep affects your health over time.
When you can’t sleep at night, you might wonder if your problem qualifies as insomnia. What is insomnia, really? Here's what you should know.
Having trouble falling and staying asleep? Using guided meditation for sleep has many benefits, among them relaxation, de-stressing, and sound sleep.
Unlike medication, cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia requires time and self-discipline. But you’re more likely to get a lasting effect.
Correcting this common problem can lift your mood and give you much more energy throughout the day. Here’s what you should know about sleep apnea and depression.
With some experimentation, you’ll discover how to relax before bed. Try deep breathing, baths, meditation, TV re-runs, lavender, and tea. Here's what you can do.
When you wake up tired, you might wonder if you need medical help. Do you have a sleep disorder? What are the major sleep disorders? Here's what you should know.
There are plenty of reasons to enjoy your coffee, and it may be good for your health, but it’s no substitute for a full night of sleep. Here's what you should know.
The answer to sleep problems isn’t drinking before you go to bed. Alcohol may help you fall asleep but then actually interrupts your sleep cycle.