Safety Tips for Your Toddler

By YourCareEverywhere Staff @YourCareE
June 22, 2016

Your toddler’s motor seems to be never ending. It’s important to stay one step ahead of him.

Your child has now reached the age of agile mobility, where his motor will seem to never stop. Without being a helicopter parent, you still need to keep him safe. Here are some tips with links to more information about child safety.

Moving your toddler from crib to bed

Most toddlers move to a bed by age 2. Moving your child from a crib to a bed is a big change. It is most important that you consider your child's safety. And, maintain a healthy sleep routine.

Toy safety

Ride-on toys are the most common cause of injury, although these are not linked to higher death rates. But don’t count on manufacturers to be sensible with any toy. Classic dangers — small parts, strings, poisons, things that shoot out — show up every year in new toy designs.

Choking risks

Toys can also present choking hazards. Toddlers don’t know any better; they’ll stick just about anything in their mouths that will fit. Food is another choking risk, especially when children are under 4 because they aren’t able to grind their food into small pieces. Finally, it’s just best to keep small household items and toys with removable parts out of a toddler’s reach.

Watch out for lead

Lead is still a problem for children, especially in toys, both in those with lead paint that have been recalled and secondhand toys because exposure can cause lead poisoning. If you own a home built before 1978, you should have the paint tested for lead and removed. Think your children are protected from lead poisoning because you live in a newer home? Think again.

Other poisons

Cleaners, solvents, medicine, vitamins, and even some house plants are poisonous. Lock cleaners and other poisons out of reach. Search online for a list of poisonous houseplants, and keep these out of reach. If your child is poisoned, call Poison Control (800-222-1222). Someone there may either direct you either to call 911 or perform first aid .

Other household hazards

While baby safety gates are meant to keep toddlers safe, a gate can also cause injuries if it’s not installed properly. Likewise, a high chair can be dangerous if a child stands in or climbs out of it.

Car seats

You’ve heard it a thousand times; you should hear it a thousand more if you don’t put your kids in child restraints while they’re in your vehicle. Car seats save lives. Plain and simple.


It’s important for parents to identify and eliminate high-risk situations when it comes to fire. Matches, cigarette lighters, fireplaces, barbecue pits, trash fires all can cause serious burns or death .


Drowning is still a major problem for younger children, especially boys ages 1 to 4. One of the best ways to prevent kids from drowning is to give them swimming lessons, the earlier in life the better. Children who don’t know how to swim should wear a flotation device, but even these are no substitute for adult supervision. If you have a home pool, surround it with a fence that’s at least 4 feet high and has self-latching gates to keep kids out when you’re not watching. Put rescue equipment such as a life ring or reaching pole close to the pool where you can easily access it.


April 07, 2020