You Need These Nutrition and Fitness Podcasts in Your Life

Anna Karanina C. Tan, RN  @AnnaTantrum
September 08, 2016  | Last Updated: September 08, 2016


I recently had an unusual amount of idle time, thanks to my recent cross-country drives with my husband. Coming from Arizona, we definitely took more time going through Utah and Colorado because of all the breathtaking views along the scenic routes we took. Putting the perfect driving playlist on as you’re coasting around enormous red rocks and rolling, pine-covered mountains is probably one of the most meditative, peaceful activities I could recommend to anyone. That being said, driving through the Midwest can be a lot on the boring side. I mean really, how much wider can Kansas get?

Luckily, I’m always down for a little CSE, or “continuing self-education” via the internet’s extensive archive of podcasts! If you ever find yourself thinking, “Darn, I don’t really know where I stand, nutrition- and wellness-wise,” pop one of these channels or episodes on during a drive, wait, or while tending to chores, and emerge at least 20 minutes later considerably more informed and motivated to take control of your and your loved ones’ health.


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The Nutrition Diva’s Quick and Dirty Tips

This is the perfect podcast if you want to jumpstart or rekindle an interest in nutrition. Host Monica Reinagel is a certified nutritionist and chef, making talk about scientific concepts, trends, and scholarly updates easily digestible – pun totally intended. Check out these 5 to 10 minute episodes:

• #305 How to Cook Vegan

• #299 9 Signs of Disordered Eating

• #262 How Nutrition Affects Male Fertility

• #235 Does it Matter What Time You Eat?

Fat2Fit Radio

Hosted by Russ Turley, Helana Brigman, and Jeff Ainslie, each episode ranges between 30 to 60 minutes, teaching listeners about long term solutions for effective (and not just quick) weight loss. If you’ve ever been frustrated by a fad diet or miracle weight loss product, this could be the eye-opener and re-motivation you need.

• #111 Getting Fit Over 40

• #106 Faster vs. Better Weight Loss

• #102 Curing Disease With Weight Loss

• #120 Excess Skin After Weight Loss

TEDTalks Health

TEDTalks seem to be all the rage now in the areas of private enlightenment and self-improvement. Personally, I can’t wait to attend, completely immerse myself in one, and exit the venue transformed.

• #27 Yes, I survived cancer, but that doesn’t define me.

• #57 Let’s talk crap. Seriously.

• #75 What if our healthcare system kept us healthy?

• #59 We’re covered in germs. Let’s design for that.

Start Cooking

I really wish I knew about this podcast sooner! I don’t know about you, but I just can’t sit through HGTV’s incessant banter. (I just want to learn how to cook a pot roast for my book club dinner, Nigella.) Thankfully, these episodes provide easy-to-understand, step-by-step instructions on how to not set your kitchen on fire. Learn kitchen basics and easy recipes from some of these episodes:

• #17 How to Fry an Egg

• #56 How to Measure Food

• #6 Chicken Stir Fry

• #24 Chicken Fajitas

The Fat Burning Man Show

Abel James takes on 2 to 3 varying health, nutrition and fitness topics and invites experts to pitch in for 45 to 50 minute episodes. If you’ve ever been curious of the Paleo diet, natural health alternatives, and a more active and inquisitive approach to burning fat and building muscle, give these episodes a try on your next long commute.

• #10 How to Detox from Sugar, Beat Cravings, & Become a World-Class Juggler with best-selling author Barry Friedman

• #27 Nutrient Timing, Bandana Training, and Why Counting Calories is Not Cool with celebrity trainer Rob Sulaver

• #33 Fat-Storing Fruit, The Ketogenic Diet & Eating to Boost Energy with founder of FitLifeTV, Drew Canole

• #34 Why Low Carb Diets Work, Habit Hacking & Why You Should Get a Puppy with best-selling author of The Happiness Project, Gretchen Rubin

The internet really is an infinite archive of information on how to make healthier choices. Fortunately, learning about these things no longer means a bunch of reading. Just grab your smart device, earphones, and hit play. If you ask me, podcasts are definitely one of the better things since sliced, whole grain bread.

Let me know of any solid podcast episodes you end up stumbling upon!


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