10 Allergy Myths That Will Surprise You

By Stephanie Watson @YourCareE
September 09, 2022
Woman Blowing Her Nose --- Image by © Michael A. Keller/Corbis

Allergy falsehoods abound, such as "if it's not spring or fall, you must have a cold." Here’s the truth behind several widespread myths.

You’ll find a lot of allergy information online, but sometimes it can be hard to discern science from fiction. To help you identify your real triggers and find the right symptom relief, it helps to know the truth behind these 10 common allergy myths.

1. If it’s not spring or fall, you must have a cold.

Not necessarily. Colds don’t only spread during the winter months. They can make you sick at any time of year. One way to tell whether you have a cold or allergies is by your symptoms. Colds and other viruses usually come with a sore throat, green or yellow nasal discharge, and a fever. And while cold misery starts to relent in a few days, allergies can stick around for weeks or months — as long as you’re exposed to your trigger substance.



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September 09, 2022

Reviewed By:  

Christopher Nystuen, MD, MBA and Janet O’Dell, RN