Coping with Holiday Stress

By Katharine Paljug @YourCareE
November 30, 2023
Coping with Holiday Stress

Do you feel anxious when you think about the holidays? Here are some concrete ways to cope with holiday stress and improve your emotional health.

If thinking about the holiday season increases your stress levels, you aren’t alone.

According to a American Psychological Association survey, most people associate the holidays with three things: positive feelings of love, a chance to connect with family and friends, and near-constant anxiety and stress.

Some people feel financial stress, worrying about the cost of gifts and travel. Others feel overwhelmed from social commitments they feel obligated to make. Women, in particular, report feeling pressure to get too much done, from holiday activities at home to year-end projects at work.

If you are worried about coping with holiday stress, you can take specific, practical steps to protect your emotional health and reduce feelings of anxiety, leaving you more time to enjoy the holiday season with your loved ones.


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November 30, 2023

Reviewed By:  

Janet O’Dell, RN