OTC Pain Reliever Quiz

By Floria, Barbara 
May 03, 2019

Test Your Knowledge of OTC Pain Relievers

Over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers can quickly relieve a headache, backache, cramps, and other aches and pains. But even though these medications are readily available and inexpensive, you should take care whenever you use them or give them to a child. Take this quiz to see how much you know about OTC pain relievers.

1. OTC pain relievers are safe when taken as directed.
2. If the recommended dose of OTC pain reliever doesn't relieve your pain, it's safe to take more.
3. It's safe to take OTC pain relievers if you've been drinking alcohol.
4. Pain relievers should be taken every 4 hours.
5. Pain relievers should be taken with food and a full glass of water.
6. It's safe to give aspirin to children.
7. You shouldn't take ibuprofen if you've ever had an allergic reaction to aspirin.


May 03, 2019


Promoting Safe and Effective Use of OTC Medications: CHPA-GSA National Summit. Albert SM. Gerontologist. 2014;54(6):909-18., Vitality Self-Health/1999

Reviewed By:  

Robert Hurd MD,Marianne Fraser MSN RN,Daphne Pierce-Smith RN MSN CCRC