Nutrition After Surgery

October 08, 2017

Nutrition After Surgery

Woman having glass of water at kitchen sink.Some people feel a little nauseated after surgery. This is often due to medicines, dehydration, or simply the stress of surgery. Don’t push yourself to eat. Listen to your body and you’ll know what to eat and when. If you were on a special diet (such as low-salt) before surgery, ask your healthcare provider if you should follow it during recovery.

Special note: Be sure to follow any specific post-op instructions from your surgeon, nurse, or dietitian.

Start slowly

  • Start off with clear liquids and soup. They are easier to digest.

  • Progress to a semisolid (soft) diet (mashed potatoes, applesauce, and gelatin) as you feel ready and can tolerate.

  • Slowly move to solid food. Don’t eat fatty, rich, or spicy foods at first.

  • Eat smaller amounts, more often.

Drink fluids

  • It’s normal to lose fluids during surgery. Rehydrating your system is important as it helps you feel better and balances the chemicals in your body called electrolytes.

  • Unless told not to, drink at least 6 glasses of clear liquids (such as water, apple juice, or ginger ale) a day. You may want to avoid carbonated drinks or let them lose their fizz before drinking them.

Good nutrition

  • Good nutrition helps your body build and repair tissue and heal wounds.

  • Eat a low-fat, high-protein diet or as directed by your healthcare provider.

  • Whole grain cereal, and the protein in foods like fish and chicken may help repair tissue affected by surgery.


October 08, 2017


The Role of Nutrition in Wound Care. Posthauer M. Advances in Skin & Wound Care. 2012;25(2):62-63., Wound healing and risk factors for non-healing. UpToDate

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Image reviewed by StayWell art team.,Sudheendra, Deepak, MD,Taylor, Wanda L, RN, Ph.D.