Caring for Your Hemodialysis Access

January 10, 2018

Caring for Your Hemodialysis Access

A problem such as an infection or a blood clot may make the access unusable. Typically, this happens more often with an arteriovenous graft than with an arteriovenous fistula. If this happens, you’ll need a new access. To help your access last, you will need to follow certain guidelines.

Watching for problems

Call your healthcare provider right away if you:

  • Can’t feel the blood flowing in the access (this sensation is called a thrill)

  • Have pain or numbness in your hand or arm

  • Have bleeding, redness, bluish discoloration, or warmth around your access

  • Notice your access suddenly bulging out more than usual (a slight bulge is normal)

  • Have a fever of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher, or as directed by your healthcare provider

Follow these and any other guidelines you’re given

  • Don’t wear tight clothes or jewelry around your access.

  • Don’t let anyone take your blood pressure on or draw blood from the arm with the access. Also, don’t let anyone put IV lines into it.

  • Protect your access from being hit or cut.

  • Wash your hands often and keep the area around the access clean.

  • Do not carry anything heavy or do anything that would put pressure on the access.

Feeling for your thrill

Palm view of hand and forearm. Another hand is feeling forearm with fingers.

If you put your fingers over your access, you should feel the blood rushing through it. This is called a thrill, and it feels like a vibration. Feel for the thrill as often as you're told, usually once or twice a day. If you can't feel it, tell your healthcare provider right away. Blood may not be flowing through your access the way it should.

Important numbers

Write the names and numbers of your healthcare providers below. That way you will know how to get in touch with them.


Name ___________________ Phone ___________________


Name ___________________ Phone ___________________

Dialysis Center:

Name ___________________ Phone ___________________


January 10, 2018


Arteriovenous Fistulas and Grafts for Chronic Hemodialysis Access, Up To Date

Reviewed By:  

Latif, Walead, DO,Walton-Ziegler, Olivia, MS, PA-C