What Is Event Monitoring?

June 17, 2017

What Is Event Monitoring?

Man's chest showing the heart. Electrodes are positioned on the skin and connected to a Holter monitor on the waistband of his pants.

Event monitoring is a painless way to record your heartbeat. You can do this at home or another place away from your healthcare provider’s office. The monitor is a small electrocardiogram (ECG) that you carry with you. It runs on batteries. Event monitoring records your heart rhythm for your healthcare provider to review at a later time. The event monitor lets you record your heart rhythm as you feel symptoms. Some event monitors can detect and record irregular heart rhythms in real time, with or without symptoms. Wireless monitors allow data to be sent to your provider's office for evaluation right away after an event is recorded. You may carry this monitor for days or weeks. You can get your heart monitor in a hospital, test center, or healthcare provider’s office.

When using an event monitor

Stay away from electric blankets, magnets, metal detectors, and high-voltage areas such as power lines. They may affect the recording.

Your event monitor

Your healthcare provider will show you how to use your event monitor. Wear it as instructed all the time. When you feel a symptom, turn on the monitor by pressing a button. Your provider will tell you how to do this. Be sure to keep a diary. Write down symptoms in detail. Include the time and date. Depending on the type of monitor, you may need to change the batteries every 1 to 2 days.


Event monitor diary

  • Write in the time of day for each entry you make.

  • Note each change in activity. This includes when you take medicine.

  • Note any symptoms you feel. Also write down what was happening around you when the symptoms occurred.

Event Monitor Diary

An ECG recording of an irregular heartbeat during an event.

An ECG recording of a regular heartbeat.


June 17, 2017


Ambulatory Arrhythmia Monitoring. Zimetbaum P. Circulation. 2010;122:1629-36.

Reviewed By:  

Gandelman, Glenn, MD, MPH,Images reviewed by StayWell medical illustration team.,Snyder, Mandy, APRN