Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography (Echo)

June 15, 2018

Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography (Echo)

Woman lying on side on exam table with EKG leads on chest. Healthcare provider is holding ultrasound probe to woman's chest.This type of echocardiogram involves using dobutamine, a medicine that stimulates your heart similar to the way exercise does. It increases your heart rate and the squeezing function of your heart. Your healthcare provider gives you dobutamine through an IV. He or she then takes ultrasound pictures of your heart, using sound waves through a device placed on your chest wall (echocardiography). The pictures are taken before and after you get dobutamine. This lets your healthcare provider see if blood is flowing properly through the heart and if your heart is pumping normally. The test is often done in a hospital or cardiac testing center.

Before your test

Tell your healthcare provider what medicines you take, and ask if you should take them before the test. Don’t smoke, drink alcohol, or have any caffeine for 12 hours before the test, or as directed by your healthcare provider. Don't eat for at least 4 hours before the test. Make sure to wear a two-piece outfit. You may need to undress from the waist up and put on a short hospital gown. Allow an extra hour for checking in and getting ready for the test.

During your test

  • Your healthcare provider places small pads (electrodes) on your chest to record the electrical activity of your heart.

  • He or she starts an intravenous (IV) line in your arm.

  • A painless device (transducer) coated with cool gel is moved firmly over your chest. This device creates ultrasonic, inaudible sound waves that make images of your heart on a screen.

  • Your healthcare provider slowly gives you dobutamine through the IV, in small doses about every 3 minutes. It is normal to feel your heart pound for a few minutes, while the medicine is being given.

  • Your healthcare provider will take echo images before the infusion of the drug, during the infusion, and after your pulse returns to normal. Your healthcare provider may give you a second medicine to slow your heartbeat to a normal level.

  • Your healthcare provider will monitor your heart and blood pressure during and after the test.

After your test

When the test is over, you may return to your normal routine. Ask your healthcare provider about taking any medicine that you were told to skip before the test. Your healthcare provider will discuss your test results with you. The test results help your provider plan your treatment and any other tests you may need.

Report any symptoms

Be sure to tell your healthcare provider if you feel any of the following during the test:

  • Chest, arm, or jaw discomfort

  • Irregular heartbeat

  • Feeling flushed

  • Palpitations

  • Shortness of breath

  • Nausea

  • Headache

  • Numbness

  • Lightheadedness or like you might faint


June 15, 2018


American Society of Echocardiography recommendations for performance, interpretation, and application of stress echocardiography. Pellikka, PA. Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography. 2007;20(9):1021-41., Bach, D., Dobutamine Stress Echocardiogram, Circulation (1999)95; 8-10, Impact of medications and methylxanthines on stress testing, Up To Date, Overview of stress echocardiography, Up To Date, Pellikka, PA, Recommendations for performance interpretation and application of stress echocardiography. Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography (2007); 30(9); 1021-1041

Reviewed By:  

Gandelman, Glenn, MD, MPH,Image reviewed by StayWell medical illustration team.,Snyder, Mandy, APRN