Marine Bites and Stings

September 17, 2019

Marine Bites and Stings

In North America, most marine animal bites and stings aren’t deadly. But some may cause a deep wound or severe allergic reaction. You’re most likely to come in contact with biting or stinging marine life—including jellyfish, sculpins, and stingrays—when you’re swimming or wading. These animals don’t attack you. But they may sting if they’re stepped on or touched. Even dead jellyfish can sometimes release venom (poison) when handled.

When to go to the emergency room

Not all marine animal stings need urgent care. But you should get emergency care if any of the following is true:

  • You don’t know what type of sting you have.

  • You have a history of allergic reactions.

  • You are stung on the face or neck.

  • You have trouble breathing.

  • You have severe pain with or without swelling of the area.

What to expect in the ER

  • Your injury will be cleaned and examined.

  • A jellyfish sting may be rinsed with salt (saline) solution or vinegar. This prevents more toxins from being released. Any tentacles left in your skin will be removed.

  • If your reaction is severe, you may be given a steroid medicine to help control it.

  • If you are in pain, medicine may be prescribed to make you more comfortable.

Follow-up care

See your healthcare provider if:

  • The wound isn’t healing

  • You have signs of infection such as:

    • Redness
    • Pain
    • Discharge
    • Fever of  100.4° F ( 38°C) or higher, or as directed by your healthcare provider

Get emergency care if you have signs of an allergic reaction. These can occur up to a month after a jellyfish sting.

  • Itching

  • Swelling of the affected body part, hands, head, face, or tongue

  • Trouble breathing

 After a bite or sting

  • Stay calm.

  • Get out of the water safely.

  • Don't use your bare hands to remove a stinger. Remove any stingers you see by wiping with a towel. It's best to inactivate stingers with vinegar before removing them. This helps prevent the release of excess venom.

  • Wash the area with saltwater. Vinegar may help ease the pain of jellyfish stings.

  • Don't raise the stung body part above the level of your heart.

  • Don't take any medicine unless told to by a healthcare provider.

  • Don't apply ice to jellyfish stings. Instead use heat. Heat inactivates the jellyfish poison.


September 17, 2019


Cegolon, Jellyfish Stings and Their Management: A Review, Mar Drugs (2013); 11(2); 523-550, Markenson, D. Part 17: First Aid: 2010 American Heart Association and American Red Cross Guidelines for First Aid. Circulation 92010); 122(18); pp. s934-s946

Reviewed By:  

Eric Perez MD,Rita Sather RN,Raymond Kent Turley BSN MSN RN