Exercise After Bypass Surgery: Walking

March 21, 2017

Exercise After Bypass Surgery: Walking

Man and woman walking outdoors.

If your doctor gives you a home walking program, be sure to follow it. If not, follow these tips:

  • Start by walking 4 to 6 times a day. Walk for 5 to 6 minutes each time.

  • Do this 5 days a week. Rest the other 2 days.

  • As you feel stronger, you can walk around your neighborhood, at a shopping mall, or on a track.

  • Walk inside when the weather is very hot or very cold.

  • Wear loose-fitting clothes and sturdy, comfortable shoes with non-skid soles.

  • If neighbors stop you to talk, tell them you need to walk without stopping. You can talk later. Or invite them to walk with you. 

  • Learn to take your pulse while you walk. Learn what your baseline heart rate is. Your pulse will go up somewhat with walking. If it becomes too fast or you become dizzy, stop and rest. If your heart rate stays high, call for help.


March 21, 2017


After Heart Surgery_The Patient Guide to Heart, Lung, and Esophageal Surgery. Society of Thoracic Surgeons, How Can I Recover From Heart Surgery? American Heart Association, What to Expect After Heart Surgery. Society of Thoracic Surgeons

Reviewed By:  

Fetterman, Anne, RN, BSN,Mancini, Mary, MD