Hearing Hazards in Everyday Life

By Debs, Donna 
March 21, 2017

Hearing Hazards in Everyday Life

Any repeated high-volume experiences or 1-shot booms could damage the delicate nerve cells of your inner ear. And once damaged, these cells do not grow back. A good rule of thumb is that damage is happening if you have to shout to be heard over the racket.

Here are some everyday activities that carry with them possible hearing hazards.

Power tools

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has done a good job of setting safe noise levels in industry. Although many people use ear protection at work, they often aren’t as careful at home, experts say. A motorcycle, firecrackers, and small firearms all produce sound between 120 and 150 decibels (dB), enough to damage hearing, according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD). 


Shooters are exposed to extremely loud but short-term sound when a weapon is fired. All shooters should wear hearing protectors even when shooting small caliber weapons such as a 22 rifle. The NIDCD reports that long and repeated exposure to noise levels at 85 dB or higher can result in hearing loss. Sound levels of firearms may reach 120 or greater decibels during firing. Here are some examples reported by the CDC:

  • 12-gauge shotgun, 154.6 to 162.7 dB

  • 0.45-70 rifle, 155.2 to 159.9 dB

  • 0.30-06 rifle, 158.7 to 163.1 dB

Kids' toys and portable media players

Baby toys and bike horns that are high-pitched can give off quick bursts of damaging noise when pressed or squeezed over and over again. The American Academy of Pediatricians warns parents that media players like iPods or MP3 players can cause hearing loss. Earphones or ear buds for these items can reach a damaging noise level up to 130 dB.

Rush hour

Busy traffic and highway construction can cause ringing or a sense of fullness in the ears. These are key signs that hearing damage has happened. When highway noise gets extremely loud, drive with the windows up. According to the CDC, traffic sounds of 85 dB or greater for long periods of time can create lasting hearing loss.

Various sound levels in our lives (in decibels)

Compare some of these common sounds and their rank of possible harm with what your ears are open to every day:


  • 20 dB - rustling leaves

  • 38 dB - whisper

  • 40 dB - refrigerator humming


  • 40 dB - quiet room

  • 50 dB - average rainfall

  • 60 dB - dishwasher, people talking


  • 70 dB - vacuum cleaner

  • 80 dB - busy street, alarm clock

  • 88 dB - motorcycle (25 feet)

Very loud:

  • 90 dB - lawnmower, food blender

  • 100 dB - chainsaw, snowmobile

  • 110 dB - symphony orchestra


  • 120 dB - oxygen torch

  • 130 dB - shotgun

  • 140 dB - jet plane take-off (near)

  • 150 dB - rock concert (peak)


March 21, 2017

Reviewed By:  

Fetterman, Anne, RN, BSN,Kacker, Ashutosh, MD