Ear Pinning

June 29, 2018

Ear Pinning

What is ear pinning?

Ear surgery, or otoplasty, is a type of cosmetic plastic surgery procedure aimed at setting prominent ears closer to the head, or reducing the size of larger ears. However, there are other ear problems that can be helped with this surgery. Surgeons can even build new ears for those who were born without them or who lost them through injury.

Who are candidates for ear pinning?

The operation is usually done on children between the ages of 5 and 6; however, ear surgery for adults does occur.

Possible complications associated with ear pinning

Possible complications associated with ear pinning may include:

  • Blood clots on the ears

  • Infection in the cartilage, which can cause scar tissue to form

  • Recurrence of the prominent ears

About the procedure

Although each procedure varies, generally, ear pinning surgeries alter the cartilage just behind the ear. In some cases, cartilage and skin might be removed. In other cases, stitches are used to hold the cartilage permanently in place.

Where the procedure may be done

  • Surgeon's office-based surgical facility

  • Outpatient surgery center

  • Hospital outpatient

  • Hospital inpatient

Anesthesia options may include:

  • General anesthesia for children

  • Local anesthesia, combined with a sedative (allows the patient to remain awake but relaxed) for adults

How long will it take?

  • Several hours or longer

Some possible short-term side effects of surgery

  • Throbbing in the ears

  • Aching or mild discomfort

You may not be able to sleep on your side so that you won't put pressure on your ears. You may need to wear a headband for several weeks.


June 29, 2018

Reviewed By:  

Goode, Paula, RN, BSN, MSN,Lickenstein, David, MD