When Your Child Has Type 2 Diabetes

March 21, 2017

When Your Child Has Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic (lifelong) condition that keeps your body from turning food into energy. That's why you feel tired and run-down. Controlling your diabetes means making some changes that may be hard at first. Your healthcare team is here to help.


Managing Your Diabetes

Controlling the level of sugar in your bloodstream is the key to managing your diabetes. Your healthcare team—including your doctor, diabetes educator, and dietitian—will help you develop a program that is right for you.

1. Eat Healthy

Eating right helps keep your blood sugar in balance. A nutrition specialist (dietitian) will help you create a meal plan. You don't have to give up all the foods you like. But you'll need to eat on a regular schedule and follow some guidelines. Image

2. Monitor Your Blood Sugar

Checking your blood sugar level is essential to keeping your diabetes in control. Regular testing helps you be sure that your treatment program is working. Make checking your blood sugar a part of your daily routine.

3. Exercise Image

Exercise is important to help keep your blood sugar in balance. Daily exercise helps lower blood sugar. Your blood sugar can continue to fall for several hours after you stop exercising. Check with your healthcare team before you start an exercise program. You may need to begin slowly.

4. Take Medication, If Prescribed

Your doctor may prescribe medication to help manage your blood sugar. Always follow your prescription instructions.


March 21, 2017

Reviewed By:  

Godsey, Cynthia M.S., M.S.N., APRN,Lambert, J.G. M.D.,Louise AkinLouise Akin RN BSN