Protect Your Child from the Flu

September 15, 2018

Protect Your Child from the Flu

Health care provider giving boy an injection. Mother holding baby in background.

The flu (influenza) is caused by a virus that’s easy to spread, especially among kids in school or daycare. A child’s immune system is not as well developed as an adult’s. This means the flu can make children very sick. Also, children in daycare or school are very likely to bring the virus home to other family members.

Flu symptoms

Flu symptoms often come on quickly. Symptoms include:

  • Fever

  • Headache

  • Feeling very tired (fatigue)

  • Dry cough

  • Sore throat

  • Runny nose

  • Muscle aches

Children may also have upset stomach and vomiting. Some symptoms such as fatigue and cough can last many weeks.

To protect your child

Here’s how you can help your child stay healthy:

  • Have your child get a flu vaccine every year, as soon as it is available in your area. This is your child’s best chance to prevent the flu. The flu vaccine is recommended every year for babies 6 months and older, children, and teens.

  • Help your child wash his or her hands often. 

  • Don't let your child drink from the same cup that others have used. And don’t share foods.

  • Teach your children to cough or sneeze into their elbow, sleeve, or a tissue. Teach them to wash their hands afterward.

If your child gets sick

  • Give your child plenty of fluids, such as an electrolyte solution, water, juice, and soup.

  • Make sure your child gets plenty of rest.

  • Keep your child at home to prevent the spread of germs. Do so until at least 24 hours after the fever is gone.

  • Use children’s strength medicine for symptoms. Discuss over-the-counter (OTC) medicines with your child's healthcare provider before using them. Note: Don’t give OTC cough and cold medicines to a child younger than age 6, unless your child's healthcare provider tells you to do so.

  • Don’t give your child aspirin.

  • Don’t give ibuprofen to an infant age 6 months or younger.

  • Ask your child’s provider about antiviral medicine. If taken within the first 2 days of the flu, it can help your child have fewer symptoms and get well sooner.

When to call your child's healthcare provider

Call your child's healthcare provider if your otherwise healthy child has:

  • Fever (see Fever and children, below)

  • Shortness of breath or fast breathing

  • Worsening symptoms, especially after a period of improvement

  • Bluish-tinged skin

  • Trouble waking up or is not alert

  • Had a seizure caused by the fever

  • Fever with rash

  • Severe or continued vomiting

  • Signs of dehydration. These include decreased urination (diapers not as wet as usual in a baby or toddler), dry mouth, and no tears when crying.


Fever and children

Always use a digital thermometer to check your child’s temperature. Never use a mercury thermometer.

For infants and toddlers, be sure to use a rectal thermometer correctly. A rectal thermometer may accidentally poke a hole in (perforate) the rectum. It may also pass on germs from the stool. Always follow the product maker’s directions for proper use. If you don’t feel comfortable taking a rectal temperature, use another method. When you talk to your child’s healthcare provider, tell him or her which method you used to take your child’s temperature.

Here are guidelines for fever temperature. Ear temperatures aren’t accurate before 6 months of age. Don’t take an oral temperature until your child is at least 4 years old.

Infant under 3 months old:

  • Ask your child’s healthcare provider how you should take the temperature.

  • Rectal or forehead (temporal artery) temperature of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher, or as directed by the provider

  • Armpit temperature of 99°F (37.2°C) or higher, or as directed by the provider

Child age 3 to 36 months:

  • Rectal, forehead (temporal artery), or ear temperature of 102°F (38.9°C) or higher, or as directed by the provider

  • Armpit temperature of 101°F (38.3°C) or higher, or as directed by the provider

Child of any age:

  • Repeated temperature of 104°F (40°C) or higher, or as directed by the provider

  • Fever that lasts more than 24 hours in a child under 2 years old. Or a fever that lasts for 3 days in a child 2 years or older.


September 15, 2018

Reviewed By:  

Bass, Pat F. III, MD, MPH,Cunningham, Louise, RN,Image reviewed by StayWell art team.,Lentnek, Arnold, MD