Oral Cancer: Prevention

February 24, 2018

Oral Cancer: Prevention

How can oral cancer be prevented? 

The best way to protect yourself from oral cancer is to know what makes you more likely to get it. These are called risk factors. You can’t affect some risk factors, but others you can.

The primary risk factors for oral cancer are:

  • Using tobacco in any form

  • Drinking alcohol in large amounts over a long period of time

The risk for oral cancer is higher in people who use both tobacco and alcohol. 

Making lifestyle changes

To help prevent oral cancer, the most important lifestyle changes are:                                                                       

  • Quitting use of all types of tobacco

  • Avoiding other people's smoke (secondhand smoke)

  • Limiting or not drinking alcohol

Other lifestyle changes that can help prevent oral cancer include:                                                                       

  • Protecting yourself from UV light exposure. People who spend a lot of time in the sun have a greater risk for lip cancer. Protect your lips with sunscreen or lip balm with an SPF of 30.

  • Preventing HPV infection. Limit your risk for oral human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. The risk for HPV is higher in people who have oral sex and multiple sex partners.

  • Eating well. People who don’t eat a lot of fruits and vegetables may have a greater risk for oral and throat cancers. It's important to eat a healthy diet.

  • Having dentures fitted properly. Dentures that rub the inside of the cheeks or the tongue can cause irritation that changes the cells of the mouth. This may contribute to an increased risk for cancer over time. All denture wearers should remove and clean their dentures every night and have them regularly checked by a dentist. Everyone should get regular dental care. 

Talk with your healthcare provider 

If you’re at risk for oral cancer, your healthcare provider can suggest resources to help. Making changes can be hard, but you don’t have to make them alone. Your healthcare provider can help you find a counselor or self-help group in your area. You’ll connect with other people who have been able to make these changes. Ask them for ideas about what worked for them.

Your healthcare provider can also screen you for oral cancer. This can help find oral cancer in its early stages, when it’s easiest to treat. 


February 24, 2018

Reviewed By:  

Cunningham, Louise, RN,Gersten, Todd, MD