Getting Your Breast Biopsy Results

August 20, 2017

Getting Your Breast Biopsy Results

Woman talking to healthcare provider.Waiting for biopsy results is never easy. But in most cases, you will know your results within days. You may get the results during a follow-up visit with your healthcare provider. Or your provider may call you with the results. Either way, your provider will discuss what the test results mean for you. Many noncancerous (benign) lumps need no care at all. If a lump is cancer (malignant), you will have many things to think about. Try to take comfort from the fact that more treatment options exist now than ever before.

If a lump is benign

Learning that a lump is not cancer can be a great relief. To stay healthy, be sure to have mammograms as often as directed. Also, be aware of how your breasts normally look and feel so you can notice any changes right away and see your doctor to have them checked.

Treating benign lumps

Lumps that come and go with your periods may not need any treatment. Limiting salt, caffeine, and alcohol can help relieve any soreness and swelling. But in some cases, you may want to have a cyst drained or a painful lump removed.

If a lump is cancer

Having breast cancer means that some cells in your breast are growing abnormally. These cells divide more quickly than normal cells and may spread into other areas of tissue. Yet today the outlook is hopeful. There are new and better treatments. And you play an active role in your care. Talk to your doctor about what needs to happen next and the treatments options that are best for you.

Treating breast cancer

There is no one right treatment for breast cancer. The best approach for you will depend on the type and the stage of cancer you have. It will also depend on your age, overall health, feelings, and needs. Give yourself some time to weigh all your options. Learning as much as you can about breast cancer can help you make the decisions that are best for you.


August 20, 2017

Reviewed By:  

Gersten, Todd, MD,Stump-Sutliff, Kim, RN, MSN, AOCNS