Coping with Concussion

January 10, 2018

Coping with Concussion

Concussion is also known as mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI). It is often caused by a blow to the head, or a fall. You may have been unconscious for a few seconds or minutes after the injury. Or maybe you were dazed, confused, or “saw stars.” After this, you thought you were OK. Now, weeks or months later, you’re having symptoms that may be caused by a concussion. The good news is that, in most people,  these symptoms will likely go away on their own. Most people with a concussion recover fully, with no need for treatment.

Woman lying in bed holding compress to forehead.

What is a concussion?

A concussion is a mild form of brain injury. In some cases, the effects of a concussion go away within days of the injury. In others, symptoms may continue for a few months. Fortunately, a concussion is temporary. Even when symptoms stay for months, they do go away over time. If they don't, or if your symptoms are worse, contact your healthcare provider.

Symptoms of a concussion

You may have noticed some of these symptoms:

  • Headaches

  • Irritability and other changes in behavior

  • Problems remembering or concentrating

  • Dizziness or lack of coordination

  • Fatigue

  • Problems sleeping

  • Sensitivity to light and sound

  • Vision changes

NOTE: If you have severe symptoms or trouble functioning, talk with your healthcare provider right away. If you had a more serious head injury than a concussion, you likely need treatment. Be sure to see your healthcare provider for an evaluation.

What you can do

Since the effects of a concussion go away over time, there isn’t a lot you need to do. Be assured that this problem is temporary. You’ll likely have a full recovery. In the meantime, talk with your healthcare provider about ways to relieve any symptoms that are bothering you. These tips may help:

  • Don't return to sports or any activity that could cause you to hit your head until all symptoms are gone and you have been cleared by your doctor. A second head injury before fully recovering from the first one can lead to serious brain injury.

  • Return to normal activities of daily living and normal social interaction is encouraged to speed recovery.

  • Stress can make symptoms worse. Help calm yourself by resting in a quiet place and imagining a peaceful scene. Relax your muscles by soaking in a hot bath or taking a hot shower.

  • Take over-the-counter  acetaminophen to relieve headache pain. Take them as directed on the package. Don't take ibuprofen or aspirin after a head injury.

  • If you become dizzy, sit or lie down in a safe place until the sensation passes. Don’t drive when you feel dizzy or disoriented.

  • If you’re having trouble sleeping, try to keep a regular sleep schedule. Go to bed and get up at the same time each day. Avoid or limit caffeine and nicotine. Also don't drink alcohol. It may help you sleep at first, but your sleep will not be restful.

  • Give yourself time to heal. Your recovery will take some time. When you have symptoms, remember that you won’t feel this way forever. In time the symptoms will go away and you’ll be back to yourself.

If you’re not feeling better

The effects of a concussion often go away in 7 to 10 days and the vast majority of people who have had a concussion have recovered after 3 months. If you’re not feeling better as time passes, there may be something else going on. If your symptoms don’t go away or you notice new ones, talk with your healthcare provider. He or she can help you get the treatment you need.


January 10, 2018

Reviewed By:  

Hanrahan, John, MD,Jasmin, Luc, MD