Treating Asthma at School

February 14, 2018

Treating Asthma at School

Parent with child speaking to teacher in classroom.It is important to tell your child’s teachers and other school staff about his or her asthma. That way, they can help your child if symptoms get worse or if he or she has an asthma attack while at school.

Plan a meeting

Call the school to plan a meeting with teachers and other staff. At the meeting, talk about the following:

  • Your child’s asthma attacks. Tell the group how your child deals with worsening symptoms and asthma attacks when they happen.

  • Your child’s early symptoms. These might be wheezing, coughing, or sneezing.

  • What adults at school should do if your child has worsening symptoms or an asthma attack. Give information about your child's medicines and when he or she should take them. Also let them know how fast they usually work. Include the names of the medicines, how much your child takes, and common side effects. Make sure they have a copy of your child's asthma action plan and what to do if your child experiences severe symptoms or does not improve with initial treatment. 

  • Important phone numbers. Tell them who they should call if your child has any problems breathing. Give them the name and phone number for your child’s healthcare provider.

  • Asthma action plan. Make sure the school has a copy of your child's asthma action plan. Make sure it is up to date.

Things to remember

  • All of your child’s teachers should know that your child has asthma.

  • Teachers and coaches don’t need to keep your child from being active or playing sports. Discuss any exclusions with your healthcare provider. 

  • Your child should always carry an inhaler or have ready access to his or her inhaler. If your child’s school has a rule against this, speak to your child’s provider and school. Many states now have laws that direct children with asthma to carry and use asthma inhalers with permission of both parents and healthcare providers. 


Contact the following organizations to learn more about asthma:

  • Allergy & Asthma Network/Mothers of Asthmatics at 800-878-4403, www.aanma.org

  • American Lung Association at 800-586-4872,  www.lung.org


February 14, 2018

Reviewed By:  

Adler, Liora C., MD,Bass, Pat F. III, MD, MPH,Images Reviewed by Staywell medical art team.