Longevity Quiz

By Dianna Sinovic 
March 09, 2015

The Longevity Quiz

What's the secret to a long, healthy life? The secret is that it depends on you—and you can take steps to keep yourself healthy in the long run. Find out what you know about living longer by taking this true-false quiz.

1. To reduce your risk for chronic disease as an adult, you need to exercise at least two hours a day.
2. A healthy older lifestyle doesn't include smoking.
3. What you eat plays a major role in your health.
4. As long as your diet is balanced, you needn't worry about those few extra pounds you've put on.
5. You should make your health a priority in your life.
6. Your job kept you on your toes mentally. Now that you're retired, you can relax those mental gymnastics.
7. Now that you're older, it's too much work to keep up with friends. Friends are for younger people.
8. A positive attitude helps you live longer.
9. Even if you are 60 or older, you should still make plans for your financial future.


March 09, 2015

Reviewed By:  

Holloway, Beth, RN, MEd, MMI board-certified, academically affiliated clinician, Taylor, Wanda L, RN, PhD