Controlling Allergens: Mold

September 24, 2014

Controlling Allergens: Mold

Constant exposure to allergens means constant allergy symptoms. That's why controlling or avoiding the allergens that cause your symptoms is an important part of your treatment. If you are allergic to mold, the tips below may help lessen your exposure.

Closeup of gloved hands holding spray bottle and cleaning sink with sponge.

Mold allergy

Mold allergy is actually from the spores that the molds release. Spores are microscopic seed particles that travel through the air. Molds grow best in dark, damp places. Outside, mold grows on rotting logs, wet leaves, as well as on certain grasses and weeds. In the home, mold commonly grows in or on the following:

  • Damp basements and closets

  • Bathrooms (especially shower stalls)

  • Places where fresh food is stored

  • Refrigerator drip trays

  • House plants

  • Air conditioners

  • Humidifiers

  • Garbage cans or waste baskets

  • Mattresses

  • Upholstered furniture

  • Old foam rubber pillows

Controlling mold

Try the following:

  • Watch the newspaper or local news for mold counts. When they are high, stay inside as much as possible.

  • Drain wet areas of your yard, and clean up leaves and weeds before they begin to rot. If you compost, keep compost piles away from the house. Ask someone else to do these things for you.

  • If you are outside when mold counts are high, bathe, wash your hair, and change your clothes afterwards.

  • Use products with bleach to clean the shower or tub. Also clean the shower curtain.

  • Fix leaky faucets or leaks in the roof right away.

  • While bathing or showering, leave a window open or use a fan.

  • If your house is damp, use a dehumidifier. Empty once a day.


May 22, 2014

Reviewed By:  

Hollaway, Beth, RN, M.Ed, MMI board-certified, academically affiliated clinician